Building the Perfect Wheelhouse: The Power of Catch Covers

When it comes to building a wheelhouse from the ground up, attention to detail is crucial. From structural components to the smallest accessories, everything has a role to play. Among these, one accessory stands out in importance and popularity: the Catch Cover.

1. The Round Catch Cover: An Ice Fishing Game Changer

The Original Round Catch Cover has rightfully earned its place as the #1 selling ice house or ice shanty hole cover. But what makes it so exceptional?

Protection: It shields your ice house from snow, dirt, and even corrosive road salt. This ensures your equipment stays in prime condition, extending its lifespan.

Durability: Made with a special blend of low-temperature plastics, these covers are resilient against the harsh cold, ensuring they won't crack or warp.

Design: With a flange that extends down to protect in-floor insulation and a handle that's easy to use even with gloves, it's both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The handle's design ensures that it won't twist out, making it reliable even under challenging conditions.

Mobility: No matter how rough the terrain, the Round Catch Cover stays in place. Its sturdy design can even withstand the weight of an ATV!

2. The Square Catch Cover: A Versatile Choice

While the round variant is immensely popular, the Original Square Catch Cover holds its own ground, especially when retrofitting ice houses with pre-existing homemade plywood covers. Here's why they shine:

Adaptability: Perfect for those who prefer using a circle saw, or for retrofitting older ice houses.

Uniform Strength: Just like its round counterpart, the square catch cover is molded from low-temperature plastics. This ensures that even in the coldest climates, the cover remains robust and intact.

Design Excellence: Beyond functionality, both Catch Covers offer a professional, polished look to your ice house, enhancing its overall appearance.

When building your wheelhouse, choosing the right Catch Cover can make all the difference. Whether you're starting from scratch or retrofitting an old ice house, there's a Catch Cover that's perfect for your needs. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about ensuring your wheelhouse can stand up to the elements and deliver a fantastic ice fishing experience. So, next time you're planning your wheelhouse, remember the power of the Catch Cover!